To interpret the CUSUM graph one needs to look at the slope of the graph, and specifically where slope changes occur. A constant slope is an indication of a stable value in the underlying data despite the presence of noise. In the example given earlier, a number of relatively "constant" slope areas can be identified, and these are shown superimposed on the graph. Points at which the slope changes are the turning points and these have been denoted with vertical lines.
So what do you do with the turning points? We'll this gives you an indication of where to average values from. In the example given, the first identified period is from t=1..14s, and the average for this period is 1.0. For the second period t=15..30s, the average is 6.4, and so on. I haven't shown this but you you could add this graphically to the bottom series as straight lines between the turning points for clarity, at the appropriate y-axis average value.
There is some danger in identifying too many turning points, as you could start reading something into the data which just isn't there. The greater the change in slope, the more convincing the turning point. In this example the turning points near 48, 72 and 84 are the most convincing.
To assist in calculating the average from the graph, one can add a calibration scale/mask which shows the relationship between set slopes and average values. We'll save details on how to do that for a later post though.